Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay on Colonization of America - 672 Words
Colonization of America Compare the Spanish and British Colonization In 1492 the colonization begun with the arrival of Christopher Columbus to one of the Caribbean island, the Spanish people wanted to find China to get an cultural exchange but instead they found a unknown land fill of people that received them with arms wide open, the Spanish were fascinated with the prosperous of their land, and the Indians were surprised as well with their enormous ships. But the Spanish had different plans besides the cultural and friendship exchange, they were ambitious people and as soon they had the opportunity to take over them they just did it. The Spanish were violent, determined and religious people and what they wanted from the new word†¦show more content†¦The Spanish used the Indians for cultivate their land. The Indians were a very intelligent civilization they had corn and spices that the Spanish took over very soon, by force. The Indians never had the chance to defend their territory; they fought against gun, cannons and a real big army. The Spanish were seeking for gold that was the most important reason for their colonist, and they used every way to get it, that by the way was the violence they got everything they wanted killing Indians and they kill every Indian on their way. The problem was that they could not found as much gold as they wanted so the king got desperate and sent more military to slave the Indians and search for more gold. When the Spanish started to bring the religious to the new world the Spanish monks found that the Indians had very strange gods so they begun to christianize them by force prohibit them to see their gods again, but even so they adore them in secret. The land of the new world was very rich and big the Spanish founded colonies based in that, a lot of people from Spain get to the new world looking for land and raised a family they found a lot of opportunities because there were land for everyone. The Indians never known dieses until the Spanish brought it.Show MoreRelatedEssay Colonization of America607 Words  | 3 PagesColonization of America Upon the European’s discovery and colonization of the Americas an irreversible transformation was triggered. The extreme differences in the cultures of the Europeans and Native Americans would prove to be fatal to the way of life that existed before European colonization. It appears that the majority of the actions of the Native Americans towards the new European colonists were in peace and acceptance. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Lucky Strike Rhetorical Analysis - 904 Words
I chose to write about the Reach for a LUCKY instead of a sweet ad created by Lucky Strike cigarettes and how they appealed to the average American woman of the 1920 s. We ll be going over what the average American woman of the 20 s was as well as why they were so fascinated with smoking cigarettes. Didn t they know that cigarettes cause cancer? Didn t they know that they could die, and leave their loved ones behind because of cancer? Did they truly believe that cigarettes were the miracle to keeping them skinny? Or do you think that cigarettes were more of an accessory than a need to be happy and healthy? The truth is, ads like this target women who want to look sexy and keep their slim figures, or maybe even lose weight, but†¦show more content†¦I also feel that bolding the word â€Å"LUCKY†and making it all caps while the other words are in small caps around the word â€Å"LUCKY†is a creative way to make the brand stick out. Because let’s fac e the facts, Lucky Strike didn’t want to advertise the ‘health benefits’ of smoking, they wanted to advertise their brand of smoking and why it was healthier than other brands. I think that the main attraction of this advertisement is the woman in the middle. She is strong and confident looking and what woman doesn’t want to be like that? It draws you in to thinking that if you smoked cigarettes like that than you might have the confidence that this woman has. In a bright red circle, it says Reach for a LUCKY instead of a sweet,†tells you, a woman trying to keep her figure, that when you have a craving for sweet foods, which can cause weight gain, why not reach for a cigarette which will curb your craving for sweets? â€Å"No Throat Irritationâ€â€No Cough†tells me that the tobacco is not as irritating to my throat as other cigarettes. Although this line is not supported by medical doctors who can confirm the statement, it lead women to believe that the statement was true. Smoking, especially smoking among women was probably one of the greatest fads of the century.Show MoreRelatedLucky Strike Rhetorical Analysis904 Words  | 4 PagesI chose to write about the Reach for a LUCKY instead of a sweet ad created by Lucky Strike cigarettes and how they appealed to the average American woman of the 1920s. Well be going over what the average American woman of the 20s was as well as why they were so fascinated with smoking cigarettes. Didnt they know that cigarettes cause cancer? Didnt they know that they could die, and leave their loved ones behind because of cancer? Did they truly believe that cigarettes were the miracleRead MoreRhetorical Analysis : The Audi Advertisement1903 Words  | 8 Pagesconsumers. 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Keywords: stylistics, syntactic, lexics, rhetoric Barack Hussein Obama was elected to be the forty-fourthRead MoreMODR 17608087 Words  | 33 PagesLecture 1: Obstacles to critical thinking: - - Egocentrism – Inability to see things at others’ points of view. I want you to support me and tell me that I’m right. I don’t want your rational analysis. Just support me no matter what. Adults are more egocentric Ethnocentrism – Or sociocentrism. My society, my ethnic background, etc. Stereotyping – Although there is a cognitive compensity to do this. Fear / Psychological Defensiveness – fear of questioning the beliefs Dogmatism – ThisRead MoreStrategy Safari by Mintzberg71628 Words  | 287 Pagesway to ensure that strategy is controlled in one mind is to keep the process simple (182). However, this point, together with the first, forced Andrews to tread a fine line throughout his text between nonconscious intuition on one side and formal analysis on the other, a position he characterized as an act of judgment (108). This distinguishes the design school from the entrepreneurial school on one side and the planning and especially positioning schools on the other. 4. Strategies should be oneRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagestheory focuses attention on the human issues in organization ‘There is nothing so practical as a good theory’ How Roethlisberger developed a ‘practical’ organization theory Column 1: The core contributing social sciences Column 2: The techniques for analysis Column 3: The neo-modernist perspective Column 4: Contributio ns to business and management Four combinations of science, scientific technique and the neo-modernist approach reach different parts of the organization Level 1: Developing the organizationRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesReasons ................................................................................................ 236 Deceiving with Loaded Language ................................................................................................... 238 Using Rhetorical Devices .................................................................................................................. 240 Review of Major Points .............................................................................................
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Canon Price List Free Essays
An ISO 9001 Registered Company) ICIS Computers (I) Pvt. Ltd. , GS-2, Radha Palace, East of Dhantoli Park, Abhyankar Road, Dhantoli, Nagpur. We will write a custom essay sample on Canon Price List or any similar topic only for you Order Now Maharashtra State. Tele-Fax No: – 0712-2448528 (Hunting Lines) Alok Pagay ( Mobile – 9922903994 ) Shankar Bourashi (Mobile -9922915830) Arvind kalchuri (Mobile:-9371042331) Monthly Price list Price List for Month of December 2010 MODEL PIXMA IP 1300 PIXMA IP 2770 PIXMA IP 3680 PIXMA IP 4760 PIXMA IP 4870 IX4000 IX5000 IX 7000 IP 100 IX 100 with battery Pro 9000 Mark II Pro 9500 Mark IILaser LBP 2900B Laser LBP 3108 Laser LBP 3300 Laser LBP 3300 N Lser LBP 3370 Laser LBP 3460 Laser LBP 6300DN Laser LBP 6650DN Laser LBP 3500 LBP 3500 N LBP 3500 DN Laser LBP 5050 Laser LBP 5050N Laser LBP 7200CD Laser LBP 7200CDN Laser LBP 7750CDN Laser LBP 9100CDN Laser LBP 5970 Canon MF 4320D Canon MF 4350D Canon MF 4370 DN Canon MF 4680 Canon MF 5870DN Canon 4380DN Canon MF 1150 Canon MF 8030CN Canon MF 8050CN Canon MF 8050CDN Canon MF 8450C COLOUR BUBBLE JET FAMILY Single Function /1 Yr. How to cite Canon Price List, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Gender Perspecitive on Socioeconomic Inequalities - Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Gender Perspecitive on Socioeconomic Inequalities. Answer: Introduction Inequalities and inequities in health are caused by many things, key among them being social standing, race and ethnicity, and geographical location. Health inequality is the reason why even though life expectancy is high and gets better with new medical research discoveries, average life expectancy of a wealthy person would be more than that of a poorer person. Mortality of children under the age of five years is also affected(Davey-Smith, Hart, Montgomery, 1997). A health equity audit should be done to compare the level of medical care received by different demographic groups and areas so as to identify loopholes in health care provision that may cause poor health to some people. Since different demographics go through different immediate environments and physical activities every day, the likelihood of getting health complications is not the same for each individual(Davey-Smith, Hart, Montgomery, 1997). Some alcohol consumers are under a larger threat of getting alcohol-induced injury than others. Others who live in more cramped quarters ar This report will highlight four major health inequalities in the Victoria which is a region that has both a rural and a cosmopolitan are with reference to chronic diseases, lifestyles like smoking and alcohol consumption, social disparities, hypertension, obesity and physical exercise. Health equity refers to the absence of systematic or avoidable disparities in health susceptible to a different group of infections, between groups of people, whether these groups are defined socially, economically, geographically or demographically(Department of Health , 2011). Health inequities are the differences in health outcomes and their risk factors between social groups that are socially produced, systematic in their distribution, avoidable, unfair and unjust(Department of Health , 2011). Health inequities are differences in health status between population groups that are socially produced, systematic in their unequal distribution across the population, avoidable and unfair. Age and Gender. 5.9% of women with an income below $40000 were underweight as compared to 2% of men under the same conditions(Graham, 2002). Women also when employed and well educated were significantly less obese and had a larger percentage with a normal BMI than men with similar conditions. More males, in general, were obese. Men who did not complete high school or were unemployed undertook less physical activity as compared to all Victorian men(Victorian Department of Health , 2012). More women than men reported high or very high levels of psychological distress, mostly between the ages of 55-64 for males and 18-24 and 65-74 for women. Men who reported experiencing depression either did not consume alcohol, were diagnosed with hypertension, or had two or more chronic diseases(Victorian Department of Health , 2012). On the other hand, women who were current smokers and had two or more chronic diseases were more likely to give a poor self-reported health status and were more depressed. Prevalence of diseases like hypertension was more in men than in women. Type 2 diabetes, which is a chronic disease associated with obesity and careless weight gain together with hereditary factors, occurs more in individuals over the age of 50. Type 1 diabetes occurs from the body not producing insulin and is contacted by people under the age of 30(Victorian Department of Health , 2012). It is also called juvenile offset diabetes and has no cure yet despite numerous research. This above bar chart illustrates the estimated population aged 18 years and above with diabetes mellitus between the years 2011 and 2012 in 15 subzones of Crownlands kingdom in Victoria state of Australia. Crowlandsis a small agricultural community settled on theWimmera Riverand is located in the region of 24 kilometres northeast ofArarat, in the state ofVictoria,Australia which consists of a small village with houses and large farms(Graham, 2002). According to the information in the chart, Subzone 01 of crownlands shows the lowest population of people aged 18 and over with diabetes and highest population in subzone 14 of Crownlands. The prevalence of cancer was noted to be age related, with more cases being noted above the age of 65 for men. Osteoporosis had higher incidence in women than men and was observed more in females above 55 and males above 65(Jelfs, 2016). High blood pressure was age related too with more cases above the age of 55, and had more reported cases in men. A significant portion of 65-74 year olds rated life as being satisfactory. However, men with high stress levels, obese or underweight and more than two chronic diseases and unemployed women who did not complete high school and had a below $40000 household income self-reported their health as poor(Kristenson, 2006). Adults between 18-34 mostly reported their health as good and excellent. Women reported their health as good and excellent more times than men. Socioeconomic inequalities. Adults with a total annual income of less than 40000 dollars had higher incidences of obesity. It is also worth noting that this same demographic did not consume recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables, and covered less or no hours of physical exercise(Marmot Bell, 2013). This was also the case for people who were not in the job circulation, while the employed had a significantly larger percentage of pre-obesity cases. A significantly large percentage of women whose education reached tertiary level had a normal body mass index (BMI), and this demographic also had the lowest percentage of obese people(Marmot Bell, 2013). This trend is also observed with women whose household income exceeded 100000 dollars. It is noted that people with lower incomes and education levels or not in a labour force were more likely to be depressed. The statistics from the study indicate that men who did not complete school, were unemployed, not in a labour force and a hou sehold income below $40000 were more depressed(Ostlin, 2002). Incidence of diabetes also decreased with increase in household income for both men and women. It was reported that a higher percentage of people who took screening tests had a household incomes of between 40000-100000 dollars. This inequality can be considered an inequity since only some people can access some beneficial things like screening, and since mental health is associated with a semblance of financial stability. Subzones 1 to 6 on the chart are seen to be inhabited by financially able individuals because most of them can afford to get medical services(Pearce, Mitchell, Shortt, 2015). Bar chart 2, represent the number of people aged 18 years and above who has delayed medical consultations due to inability to afford in the year 2010. As per the chart, there had been more people in subzone 14 who could not afford to have medical consultations and lesser number of people in subzone 01 respectively. By looking at bar chart 1 2 we, can come to a conclusion that the population with diabetes mellitus in subzone 1 was low because, they were able to afford medical consultations whereas the people in subzone 14 presented with more number of diabetes cases since they had extremely poor affordability for medical consultations. As seen by the pie chart subzone 14 had the highest population delayed purchasing prescribed medication for the reason that they could not afford medications unlike the population in Subzone 1 where a lower population did not delay buying prescribed medication and had more affordability when compared with subzone 14 in the year 2010(Pearce, Mitchell, Shortt, 2015). However, people in subzone 12 also showed the second highest population with diabetes mellitus and had least affordability to medical consultations as well as had the inability to purchase prescribed medication due to lack of affordability in 2010. As can be seen in the charts, subzones 14 and 15 have the largest shortages in medical facilities hence the difficulty for subjects to find services. This difficulty in access could otherwise be caused by high costs to receive these services. This is the complete opposite of subzones 1, 2, 3 and 4 which have very few reports of lack of access to services, meaning that there are adequate facilities as well as an employed and well off demographic which can afford to pay for services(Smith, Upton, Gillis, Hawthorne, n.d). Steps should be taken to level out this huge disparity so that there is equality in services received and statistical data concerning this subject can be collectively analysed on a level playing ground. This graph alone can indicate to higher life expectancy in some subsets than others, and probably higher child mortality rates. Lifestyle inequalities. This includes alcohol consumption, smoking, dietary recommendations and physical activity. From the research, it could be seen that prevalence for smoking is higher in males than it is in females. The percentage of individuals who smoke where higher in the metropolitan areas of Victoria. It is also worth noting that the percentage of ex-smokers was significantly larger than the percentage of current smokers. More adults between 18-24 were smokers than those adults between the age of 65-85. Most adults at these ages have quit smoking(Smith, Upton, Gillis, Hawthorne, n.d). The proportion of current smokers decreased in proportion with increase in household income. Most smokers were identified to be individuals who did not complete high school, are not employed and have a household income of less than 40000 dollars. Geographical location. Rural people had a higher percentage of obese people than their urban counterparts. Individuals born overseas were more underweight and normal weight. Type 2 diabetes was notably more prevalent in metropolitan areas, though Australian born individuals had a notably lower percentage of diabetes incidences than those born abroad(World Health Organization , 2017). Screening should be done to discover diseases like bowel and breast cancer. The study done showed that about 63.9% of adults went for bowel screening and 72% of the women went for a mammogram in the year 2012/2013. A higher proportion of rural dwelling people had been screened than metropolitan dwellers. Rural regions generally reported better health than metropolitan areas. This inequality is also an inequity because rural areas evidently seem to have better conditions for health. The fruits and vegetables which should be maintained in the diet are likely available more easily. The subzones 1 to 6 are rural areas as can be seen by the ease to access to medical services. Rural facilities rarely have the kind of demand and traffic that urban facilities experience(World Health Organization , 2017). This can also explain why more rural people have undergone cancer screening than town dwellers, and that they self-report themselves as healthier. Subzones 7 to 14 are shown to provide poor services and are likely to be swamped by patients because urban dwellers sit most of the day and could possibly have back problems; work for long hours and consume more alcohol than their rural counterparts and therefore can develop alcohol related complications. References Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011). 3218.0 Regional Population Growth (2001-2010), Australia. Davey-Smith G, Hart C, Montgomery S. (1997). Lifetime Socioeconomic Position and Mortality.Prospective Observational Epidemiology. British Medical Journal 314: 54752. Department of Health (2011). 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Socioeconomically Disadvantaged People.Social Injustice and Public Health, 21-41. doi:10.1093/med/9780199939220.003.0002 Ostlin P. 2002. Gender perspecitive on socioeconomic inequalities in health. In J Mackenbach, M Bakker (eds). Reducing Inequalities in Health: A European perspective. London: Routledge Press. Pearce,J., Mitchell,R., Shortt,N. (2015). Place, space, and health inequalities.Health Inequalities, 192-205. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198703358.003.0014 Smith,G.D., Hart,C., Upton,M., Hole,D., Gillis,C., Watt,G., Hawthorne,V. (n.d.). Height and risk of death among men and women:.Health inequalities, 233-250. doi:10.2307/j.ctt1t8955q.27 VicHealth (2004). The Health Costs of Violence. Measuring the burden of disease caused by intimate partner violence. VicHealth, South Carlton. World Health Organization (2017) Gender, equity and human rights, Victorian Department of Health (2012). Mornington Peninsula (S) and Frankston (C) 2011. 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