Thursday, January 2, 2020
Sweatshops and Child Labor - 1898 Words
Sweatshop is defined as a factory or workshop, especially in the clothing industry, where manual workers are employed at very low wages for long hours and under poor conditions. Sweatshops also referred to as the â€Å"sweat factory†, creates a hazardous and unhealthy working environment for employees such as the exposure to harmful materials, dangerous situations, extreme temperatures and abuse from employers. Sweatshop workers work for long hours, sometimes without taking any breaks, and these workers are not paid for any overtime hours or the minimum wage, although it is mandatory by law. These conditions are considered risky for any person, but the worst part is that in many countries, children are being forced to work in these sweatshops.†¦show more content†¦If a worker does feel that the conditions in the sweatshop is too inconsiderate for them, then they can quit at any time that want, because they are not signing any legal documents that forces them to work t here for a certain period of time. Also, many people in developing countries prefer to work in sweatshops because in such countries, there are many products produced from farming therefore, these workers could either become farmers or they could work in factories and build products such as cell phone component, clothing, furniture, shoes or toys. Sweatshops are especially beneficial for people who are handicapped and uneducated because if a person were both handicapped and uneducated then they would not be able to work on a farm. Therefore it is easier for them to just sit on a bench and manufacture products. Although the conditions in sweatshops are unsafe and unhygienic, but it would help handicapped people feel like they are helping their families instead of being a burden on them. Sweatshops are not just beneficial to handicapped and uneducated people, but it is also advantageous for the unfortunate developing countries. As the number of sweatshops increase the country can become more industrialized and there would be less farming and more technological advances. Many economists who are pro-sweatshops believe that if a country is more industrialized then the conditions of the sweatshops will improve and the wages will increase therefore the workersShow MoreRelatedChild Labor And Sweatshops1465 Words  | 6 Pagesif they support child labour or sweatshops, they would most likely say no, but can people say with certainty that the clothes they are wearing have not been made in a sweatshop? 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The desire for manufacturers to meet the increasing consumer demand ultimately led to the hiring of children and other individuals. To reduce expenditures, working conditions did not play a major concern in the factory owners’ decisions. These factories were not very safe and sanitation was poor . Oftentimes many of these sweatshop workers were found working many hoursRead MoreComing From The Republic Of Ghana1527 Words  | 7 PagesComing from The Republic of Ghana, I know firsthand that sweatshops and the child labor that takes place in them can be both dehumanizing and destructive. However, I also understand the benefits of sweatshops. Despite all the facts that prove that sweatshops and the child labor that happens in them are bad, the truth of the matter is that some places have now become so dependent on the income they are receiving from sweatshops that there is no alternative in their minds. 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